30.2 C
Saturday, March 29, 2025

AM I STILL WELCOME? 20 Years as an IMMIGRANT in the UK

I felt I needed to join the discussion or start a discussion after seeing the riots and protests that are happening in the UK right now.

I’m Thai, born and bred, but from the age of 8 I lived in the UK for 20 years. My mum worked extremely hard to get us there and it cost her a lot of money, by no means was being an “immigrant” easy for us. I obtained citizenship, I passed the test, I worked from age 16 and paid all taxes and was a good citizen of the UK. Last year my family and I moved back to Thailand for a better life and seeing the UK unfold like this saddens me.

If one day we decided to move back to the UK, would myself and my half Thai children be welcome? Would it be safe for us?

Join the discussion in the comments and let me know your thoughts on the situation!

Thanks for watching and taking the time to listen 🙏

#vlog #uk #protests #thailand


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